Gift Cards for Decorating Classes $209.90


Discover the perfect gift for your loved ones with our digital gift cards that can be used to book our exciting decorating classes. Explore a variety of classes in 2024, ranging from cupcakes and cakes to the intricate art of wafer paper decorations.

Find the full class selection here:

Not sure which class your loved one would like? No problem! With the flexibility of our gift cards, recipients have the freedom to choose. And if they change their mind, these versatile cards can always be used for regular stock purchases

You can email or print it
This card will be emailed to your inbox and you can then forward it on to the recipient or print out the PDF it comes with. There is no option to send it directly to the recipient from the website as that would then mean they also get the reciept for the order. 

The gift card is valid for three years from the day of purchase.

Happy gifting! 

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